12 September, 2005

Oh yeah, and the Cabal has a new site...

The Taphouse Cabal
It all began one evening over many beverages in a bar called the Taphouse Grill. Three patrons enjoying their beer, decided to form a super-seekrit society whose aim it would appear, was to experience and celebrate all the effects of drunkeness. Taking for themselves the secret latin motto "Bibere, Pervertere, Caedere" which they were certain meant something, these intrepid explorers then went on to spread their message of whatever it was far and wide. Born of too much Drink, the Taphouse Cabal meandered it's way through the flotsam and jetsam that is the IntraWeb, settling at last on an IRC network protocol that encourages, amongst other things, freethought, black humor, white Russians, good beer, and bad jokes.

I should probably mention the website we got running for the Taphouse Cabal. Now on to patching up SubSite.

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